Fine China Luncheon – CANCELED

March 26
5471 Thomas Arnold Road, Salado, TX 76571


Salado Area Republican Women invites you to join them for the 14th Annual Fine China Luncheon and Fundraiser!

Cost:  $30 Per Person

Doors open at 10:45 A.M. for table & auction items viewing.

Duration:  11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Mail checks to SARW, PAC; P.O.Box 373; Salado, TX 76571

Deadline for reservations:  Friday, March 20, 2020


Featured Speaker:  State Senator,Dist.24, Dawn Buckingham, M.D.

McCain’s Café and Bakery will cater the event luncheon.

For more information, contact Dorothy Dentry, [email protected] or call 254-760-2456.